
2016 新開始

2016 ~ 新的開始!
係過去一年,並不是樣樣都咁順利! 但人大左,更識得去調節自己,去面對唔同嘅改變! 年尾時間,好朋友回到天家,雖則難過,但對她,終於係個解脫! 傷心過後,還是要好好活下去!
今晚到朋友家聚餐,整左呢個小點 ~ Friand, 一個快靚正甜品.

5 egg whites
150g  unsalted butter, melted
87g almond meal
178g icing sugar, sifted, plus extra for dusting
50g plain flour, sifted
Fresh raspberries

Preheat the oven to 180 ̊C fan-forced.
Whisk the egg whites for around 30 seconds just to lightly combine.
Sifted icing sugar, flour and almond meal to mix well and add the melted butter.
Pour into the prepared moulds or pans, filling each hole to just two-thirds full.
Place two or three raspberries on top of each friand and bake for 25–30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean and tops are lightly golden brown.
Dust the friands with icing sugar and serve warm, with extra fresh raspberries if you like.

